
Cineplex in Canada is screening some #scifi classics during their Digital Film Festival.


Many of us have only ever seen famous science fiction movies on our televisions. They certainly look great on some of those big-screen TVs, but seeing them larger than life in a movie theatre is a different experience.

In Canada, over the next few weeks, Cineplex is screening a series of movies during its Digital Film Festival. A number of notable genre films will be shown during that time, usually for only one or two screenings, so check your local schedules.

Some of the movies on the menu include:

  • Akira
  • The Avengers
  • Batman
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
  • Brazil
  • The Dark Knight
  • Flash Gordon
  • Ironman
  • Logan’s Run
  • Planet of the Apes
  • Spider-man
  • Superman: The Movie
  • Tron

Details are available on Cineplex’s site:  http://ow.ly/sJAZG


  1. Good news is that there is ons Cineplex in Ottawa that will be participating and it’s close to my house. The bad news is that aside from a few good movies (Apes!) their selection isn’t that good (Bill and Ted. Seriously) and many movies are not old at all.

    1. What’s wrong with Bill and Ted? Be excellent to each other, dudes!

      I’d be curious to see Brazil and Logan’s Run on the big screen. The rest aren’t so interesting.

      I remember Cineplex had a similar series of movie events with big name films like Gone With the Wind and Lawrence of Arabia. Those are movies that really need to be seen in a cinema.

      Casablanca is one of mine, and everyone else’s, favourite movies and I had seen it multiple times on TV, but when I saw it in a movie theatre, it was a revelation.

      1. I only watch Bill & Ted for the first time last year. Did not do it for me, but many movies from that era are some of my all time favorites. As for these, Akira and Brasil are tempting. Seen both before but they are some of the few movies on the list that I don’t actually own on BR or DVD.
        Oh, and Casablanca does not do it for me either. 😉

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