
Moon director Duncan Jones is set to take on a movie version of Warcraft. Don’t know whether to laugh or cry. http://t.co/pI70atLo


Moon director Duncan Jones is set to take on a movie version of Warcraft. Don’t know whether to laugh or cry. http://t.co/pI70atLo


  1. Although this seems like an odd choice, it could work for two reasons: Jones might be able to make a different kind of film from the usual boring blockbuster tie in, while having the sci-fi fan or technophile’s appreciation of the game; also Source Code was a film with a computer game structure (Gyllenhall’s character replaying a level over and over again trying to win). Jones is one of my favourite directors and I’d probably watch this film just to see what he actually does with it – whereas with another director I might not.

    1. From what I’ve seen from Jones so far, I have been very impressed. I only worry that he might move away from doing interesting, original projects like Moon and Source Code in favour of big-budget schlock based on marketable brands like Warcraft.

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