Doctor Who has been around so long that it is a rare fan who has watched every available episode, especially those who only came onboard after the show's most recent revival. In reality, no one has seen every episode since more than 100 were intentionally erased by the BBC decades ago to free space in their tape library.
Over the years, some episodes have been recovered, but the amount of newly discovered material has slowed down enough that fans feared none of the remaining lost shows would ever be recovered. The good news is that some new episodes were recently found. Huzzah!
Who fans who can't get enough of the good doctor are also excited about an impending video game, but I have my doubts. It's not very often that any kind of video-game tie-in is very good and considering how good the show is, the game is going to have to be pretty special in order to measure up.
How good is the show? Well, it's one of the titles in this conversation that ponders the question of what is the best science fiction show on TV today. I can't think of anything better, although I'll be honest and say that I haven't seen much of the competition so I'm not the best judge.
The recent news that has some fans alarmed is talk of making a Doctor Who feature film. Most worrying is the quote from the would-be director that "it needs quite a radical transformation to take it into the bigger arena." Yikes.
The BBC has since tried to quash the rumour, saying that there is no Doctor Who movie in the works. I sure hope not.
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