Matt Smith has signed on for two more seasons as Doctor Who? I haven’t finished watching the Tennant episodes yet!
Matt Smith has signed on for two more seasons as Doctor Who? I haven’t finished watching the Tennant episodes yet!
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I never caught on with the 70’s series (Baker) because I only saw a few shows here and there sporadically. I really liked the Eccleston/Piper combo when it first aired and was able to make time to watch the first few episodes. But the Sunday night shows were not convenient and I did not want to bother taping them. I knew I really wanted to get back someday and I prefer to get into a show when a few seasons are already ‘in the can’. Yeah, it took me a long time, but the good news is I now have a LOT of shows to watch.
Nearly even convinced my son to pick up one of the many Dr. Who novels I have sitting on my shelves. He oped for Asimov’s “I, Robot” instead. Hmmm.
In our household, we’ve just started season 2 with Tennant. The good news is that my son enjoys the show so we get to watch them together.
It took me a while to warm up to Tennant because I really liked Eccleston. I think there is always a period of adjustment when a new actor takes on the Doctor’s role.
I haven’t tried watching the shows with my kids, but they probably would enjoy them. Perhaps when I start watching the Matt Smith episodes, we can start then so they’re starting with a fresh face.
I think that the first Doctor you watch becomes the definitive one for you.