Sounds like author William Gibson was reluctantly impressed by Google Glass. I must say the concept scares me.
Sounds like author William Gibson was reluctantly impressed by Google Glass. I must say the concept scares me.
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I think that just like Bluetooth ear sets, they look silly. Considering the cost I doubt we will be seeing many of these for now, also, Google disclaimer says that the unit is NOT transferable, it is link to a single account and cannot be sold or given away, or they will brick the unit and render it unusable. Nice for something so expensive.
Link to article:
I think I’ll wait for the cheaper Chinese knockoffs. 🙂
Interesting. There seems to be a growing backlash against Glass due to privacy concerns, but the public seems to be more than willing to abandon privacy in exchange for something shiny so I fully expect we’ll all be happily recording every moment of our lives in the future and think nothing of it.