
I was in Squamish, B.C. the other day and word on the street is the new Planet of the Apes flick is filming there next month. #POTA


I was in Squamish, B.C. the other day and word on the street is the new Planet of the Apes flick is filming there next month. #POTA


  1. If by ‘the last two” you mean the Burton movie and Rise of the PotA, you may want to skip Burton’s. It’s nice visually and does have some cool stuff in it (and you should watch it someday for that stuff), but leave your brain at the door as you won’t need it to watch the movie.
    As for Dawn, just to be clear, while they are filming in New Orleans, the movie is still set in San Francisco and environs. Think of an “I am Legend” look and feel. A friend of mine in NO just got a casting call yesterday for extras needed next week as ‘dishelved humans’. (Unfortunately, he can’t go.)

  2. They’ve been filming for some time already around New Orleans. They recently announced the scheduled release date for memorial weekend 2014, which is exactly one year away. Of course these release dates change as all the Hollywood studious fight for supremacy for a given weekend for any particular film. I’ve been staying away from the interviews, gossip, and what few productions stills have been released. Even so, it seems clear that this will be a very different movie from the first with a radical change of global events over the first movie. I am looking forward to it.

    1. I was staying at the hotel where the Twilight crew and cast stayed during the filming of those movies in Squamish. The same place will be overrun by apes next month so I am guessing they need some rainy forests and mountains for scenes in the next film.

      I am also looking forward to the next movie, although I really should see the last two first! I am so behind the times, it’s not funny.

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