
Do you judge a book by its cover? What about this list of 30 of the most beautiful #scifi covers ever made? http://t.co/F2s9JmUCtj


Do you judge a book by its cover? What about this list of 30 of the most beautiful #scifi covers ever made? http://t.co/F2s9JmUCtj


  1. Hmm. Beauty may be in the eye of the behold, but I doubt that you will find many people out there who would agree that this selection even comes close to the most beautiful SF cover art. And what with the multiple entries for so many authors (Heinlien, Butler, Le Guin, Priest and Atwood). Of all the great covers Leo and Diane Dillon made for Ellison, they pick that one? This selection sounds more like a particular fan looking at the own meager SF bookshelf and picking out 30. Even the space depictions are nothing close to so many superior cover paintings out there. And finally, a lot of those covers are atrocious !

    1. I agree with you. I was amazed at how lacklustre the choices were. I could probably randomly pick 30 books from my shelf, scan the covers and be able to create a more compelling gallery.

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